The 22nd Meeting of IP5 Deputy Heads of Office was held in Inchon,
South Korea on June 11. Deputy Commissioner Cheon Sechang of Korean
Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) chaired the meeting. Deputy
Commissioner Gan Shaoning of China National Intellectual Property
Administration (CNIPA), Vice-President Christoph Ernst of European
Patent Office (EPO), Deputy Commissioner Shimano Kunihiko of Japan
Patent Office (JPO) and Deputy Commissioner Mark Powell of the United
States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) headed delegations
respectively to attend the meeting.
During the meeting, the deputy heads listened to work reports of the
five offices for the past year on classification, global files, work
sharing, improvement of IP5 cooperation mechanism and procedures,
emerging technology and the Patent Harmonisation Experts Panel,
discussed on cooperation of the five countries with regional
re-examination and invalidation institutions, and exchanged views on the
influence of and preparation for emerging technology/artificial
intelligence and the future of IP5 cooperation, two strategic issues
that may be discussed on the Meeting of IP5 Heads of Office and the IP5
Industry Meeting. Lastly, the meeting deliberated and agreed on the 2019
IP5 Joint Statement and the press release, and approved various
cooperation achievements to submit to the Meeting of IP5 Heads of Office
for authorization.
Deputy Director General John Sandage of the World Intellectual
Property Organization (WIPO) attended the meeting as an